Baxter’s 4th Arkansas Mounted Infantry, USA

Batesville, Arkansas


Action at Devil’s Fork, Little Red River, Late Feb. 1864


Maj. W. D. GREEN, A. A. G., Seventh Army Corps and Dept. of Arkansas:


 I have made a series of demonstrations since my last, compelling the enemy to fall back across Black River. I have cleaned out the country immediately west of me, and now hold the enemy across Black River and in neighborhood of Devils Fork, on Red River, to which latter point I sent a force last night consisting of 200 Fourth Arkansas, under command of Col. E. Baxter. I have succeeded in recapturing 16 of the wagons captured by the enemy, and hope by the middle of next week to retake the greater portion of my mules.

R. R. LIVINGSTON, Colonel First Nebraska Cavalry, Commanding. District.



 Maj. W. D. GREEN, A. A. G., 7th A. C. and Dept. of Ark., Little Rock, Ark.:

MAJOR: I have the honor to report that a detachment of this command, sent out under command of Col. E. Baxter, Fourth Arkansas Mounted Infantry, to recapture the mules taken from a portion of my by Capt. George W. Rutherford on the 19th instant, sent back 14 prisoners captured from him, with intelligence that they were close on him and with a fair prospect of overtaking him. I have no doubt if my forces overtake him we will recapture a large portion of our lost stock and annihilate his command. He was trying to cross Little Red at the mouth of Devils Fork at last accounts, but the enemy hereabouts is so erratic I cannot conclude where he will cross. I am, major, very respectfully, your very obedient servant,

R. R. LIVINGSTON, Colonel First Regt. Nebraska Cay., Comdg. District.


HDQRS. DISTRICT OF NORTHEASTERN ARKANSAS, Batesville, Ark., March 8, 1864. Maj. W. D. GREEN, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Seventh Army Corps and Dept. of Ark.

MAJOR: I have the honor to report that a scout sent out under the command of Col. E. Baxter, Fourth Regiment Arkansas Infantry, on the night of the 25th ultimo, captured 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 19 enlisted men of the Confederate service, 18 horses, 9 mules, and 2 yoke of oxen, with 2 wagon loads of provisions en route to the enemy. This was done in the neighborhood of the Devils Fork of Little Red River during the late very inclement weather, and accomplished entirely by the men and officers of Colonel Baxters regiment. Rutherford was not found, he having crossed Little Red River with 140 U. S. mules, captured from my train on the 19th ultimo. These mules are now between Little Red and Arkansas Rivers, in the neighborhood of Cadron River, in Conway County, and could be over- taken by the forces posted on the Arkansas River. I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

                    R. R. LIVINGSTON, Colonel First Nebraska Cavalry, Commanding. District.